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Hello, my name is Reverend Joy Coscia.

I have been on a spiritual journey for most of my life. I was born with full psychic abilities but no tools to discern my pain from the rest of the world around me. It was a wild and often confusing ride. Luckily, with the love and support of many guardian angels, teachers and guides pointing me in the right direction, these are skills that I have been trained in over the last twenty-five years.

I have always had a deep love and connection to Mother Earth and the heavenly realms. As a child, my mother would often find me in the back yard talking to Angels, nature spirits and guides. If someone was in pain, I could feel it. If someone had spirits around them I could see them. Much like the kid in the movie The 6th Sense, I too could "see dead people". Some of these encounters were pleasant and sometimes I could see where Stephen King got his inspiration. I also learned at an early age that this was not something everyone was “ok” talking about.

Needless to say, I spent most of childhood and adolescence feeling like a visitor from another planet, not really connecting to anyone around me other than nature or the energies that no one else seemed to see. Then in my early 20’s, while working at a small ski resort in Mt. Shasta, CA, everything changed.

A coworker invited me to go to a Native American Sweat Lodge (Inipi) with her. I had no idea what that even was but was intuitively guided to say yes! When we arrived I could hear drumming and Native people singing in their Lakota language and my reality shifted. On some cellular level, I recognized the language and began to tremble and cry. As I knelt down, kissed the earth and entered the lodge it was a remembering of what it felt like to come home. It cracked me open like an egg. An experience I would later come to recognize as a past life memory. That experience led me down a twenty-five year path of reconnecting with those Native spiritual teachings and ceremonies including Vision Quest (Hamblecheya), as well as many years of Sun Dancing (Wiwanyag Wacipi).  It was the closest heartfelt connection to a culture and way of life that I had had so far.

Those experiences were a catalyst for me that led to many journeys and where my real education began, my spiritual education. In the years to come, I continued my spiritual quest and learned many valuable tools that opened my heart, helped me manage my energy and not take on the pain of the world around me. It has been a work in progress and has also led me to other past life lineages and teachings.

A few years ago our family went on a trip to Scotland. My guides directed me to a specific sacred site in the Outer Hebrides that I had previously dreamed about. When I finally made it there in person it was another experience where I felt a deep inner knowing of coming home. I stepped into a stone circle and had full cellular recall of Celtic lifetimes and ceremonies to honor the Earth and one another. I could feel the ancestors all around me whispering, "Your life is not your own, and you are not alone.”

I spent three magical weeks in Scotland reconnecting to sacred land that was more familiar to me than anywhere else I had been since entering that first Sweat Lodge. What those two lineages had in common was a shared love of the earth and a way of life lived in harmony. So much of our history has been out of alignment and at odds with the natural world. But I believe that the power to heal and self master is available if we open our hearts and say yes! We have now entered a time of Unity Consciousness and although the road ahead may be long, we can restore balance and have right relations again.

Since my time in Scotland I have continued working with my Ancestors, Angels and guides to call in what is needed for balance, harmony and joy within myself, my family and to help others do the same. Heal yourself and heal the world! We are all interconnected and the more we can surrender and be open to change, the more empowered we become.

My Elders taught me to “do as I do & make it your own, then pass it on in the way it was given to you.” I am honored to share what I have learned and offer my healing services. These tools have saved my life and brought miracles again and again. I believe we are all of the light and can be a light for each other. The face of the God/Goddess is our own. It is my greatest joy to help others reconnect to their light, remember who they really are and be a catalyst for their empowerment journey.

One of my favorite teachers, Bob Center, used to always say, “get out of your own way, become a hollow vessel, and divinity will work through you” We are not alone on this journey. You don’t have to do the heavy lifting by yourself. Often it's when you feel like all hell is breaking loose around you and you're about to completely loose your shit, the biggest breakthroughs come. This is what spiritual initiations feel like. They are designed to move us out of our comfort zone and stretch us beyond what’s familiar.
We have all had those experiences of the dark night of the soul that can bring us to our knees. It's important to remember, you have the love and support of the Universe. The energy on the planet will continue to speed up, transform and change. The things that are not in alignment will continue to fall apart. Our great awakening is happening now and it is time to walk like you have a thousand Ancestors behind you.

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