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What Happens during your healing:

*I channel Universal healing frequencies into the body that are specific to your own enlightenment process, while intuitively identifying the underlying cause/s of any illness or imbalances, applying specific Transference Healing® procedures relevant to your needs.

*An intuitive ‘reading’ will be given to you at the end of each session, supported by divination tools within the procedures.

*Because Transference Healing is a frequency-healing modality, there is no need for physical contact during the session. As such, absentee of ‘distant’ healing sessions are just as effective.

A full Transference Healing® session will take 1-2 hours

The energetic tools used in Transference Healing®:
Color and sound waves.
Crystal and vibrational Lightbody Kit essences.
The elements (earth, air, fire, water & ether).
Alchemy symbols and planetary energies.
Templates, Masters and Rays.
Electromagnetic and magnetic frequencies.
Shamanic healing.
Crystal frequencies, platonic solids, skulls and wands.
Stellar, cosmic and interdimensional frequencies.
Gridding procedures.
Lemurian and Atlantean technologies.
Lightbody and Merkaba technology. Mystery School Teachings



*from Beyond Doorways and by Alexis Cartwright.

Alexis Cartwright is the Channel, Anchor and Founder of Transference Healing.

What is Transference Healing®?:

*To initiate and support a shift from one state of being into another.

*Transference Healing® is a 7th Dimensional healing modality that works with the etheric, physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and electromagnetic dimensions of the body and consciousness using high frequency alchemy, cosmic elements and crystalline light to create rapid ascension and healing.

*Transference Healing® empowers you to develop your spiritual gifts and talents and awaken your own self-healing abilities through the divine healing properties of nature and the Universe.

*Transference Healing® is a template through which we can evolve into the New Age, raise our consciousness and live in a multidimensional reality.
Alexis Cartwright is the founder, anchor and Channel of Transference Healing®.

Why Transference Healing® is Unique:

*Transference Healing supports the anchoring of the Feminine Principal back onto the planet, simultaneously templating the seventh dimensional reality we are evolving into, with the support of various dimensional realities, lightbeings and Ascended Masters.

*Transference Healing® instils hope, light and faith in the Universe, enhancing our spiritual awakening and embodiment of Cosmic Christ Consciousness. Through it we can return to a state of oneness with the God/Goddess.’  


How Transference Healing® works:

*Transference Healing® recodes the DNA so we can manifest the Adam Kadmon body and integrate the lightbody.

*Transference Healing® does not diagnose a condition by symptoms of dis-ease. It looks deep within the etheric patterning of the body and reads it with psychic perception.

*All dis-ease, pain and lightbody symptoms manifest first in the etheric body which over time impacts the physical body.

*The etheric body is a complex energetic system that can only be accessed and understood through higher consciousness and psychic perception.

*The source of pain or trauma can be removed from the etheric and electromagnetic levels of the body without physical intervention. We self heal through enlightened intent.  

Why Transference Healing® is Necessary:

*Transference Healing® is vital to our ascension process.
To achieve and maintain wellness we must regularly purify, shift the frequency of the body and awaken consciousness.

*“Health will be the final frontier of our ascension journey. Self-healing is absolutely vital to our awakening and enlightenment. The first step is self mastery. It is by working with frequency-healing that we create a direct connection to the Universe, enabling us to absorb its divine technology and ascend.”



What to expect after a Transference Healing®:

*After receiving a healing, you can experience a radical internal alchemical healing. Symbolically, like being taken in to the womb of the Earth where you are internally nourished and supported to grow.

*During a three week integration period, you may become ‘altered’, feel mild symptomatic pain releasing as you purify, undergo a subtle identity shift, or have long-standing issues resolve themselves. You may also feel spiritual intervention in your life, giving you faith to let go of negative patterning, defense mechanisms, and the need for control; surrender.

*When the integration is complete, you’ll feel refreshed, reborn and rejuvenated. As you embody new aspects of yourself, passion and potential surfaces.

Who can benefit from Transference Healing®:

*Transference Healing® supports healing, personal growth and spiritual empowerment, and is suitable for all ages, conditions and illnesses.

*At this time of great change, it is recommended that everyone has a full Advanced Level Transference Healing® session every six weeks until they are mastering more in all aspects of life, from health to the dynamics of their personal reality.

*For those who are struggling with their health, wellbeing or ascension process healings every one to two weeks are recommended until balance is achieved, after which you can return to healings every six weeks, or as needed.


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