💫The Holy Grail Initiation of the Christed Heart 💫
Lake Tahoe CA, September 20-22, 2022
✨The Holy Grail Initiation of the Christed Heart is an invitation to open the deeper chambers of the heart. It is from the deeper chambers of the heart that we can move into Unconditional Love. The evolution of humanity depends on this vibration. The way forward into the next Golden Age of Unity Consciousness is by way of the heart. Please join me for a magical three day adventure in beautiful Lake Tahoe California interacting with some of her many sacred sites.
✨Lake Tahoe is filled with treasures, Star Gates, Light Domes, Ascended Master Sanctuaries and energy portals. And my personal favorite; there is a Water Dragon residing in that big beautiful blue/green gem of a lake. Having lived in this area for over 25 years, I have had the pleasure of working with many of these magical sites and I am so excited to facilitate a virtual retreat for you all!
✨This will be a virtual retreat that you can enjoy from the sacred space of your own home. Each day you will receive guided meditations, activations, and personal ceremonies that will enrich your experience and support you through this very high vibrational retreat. Each evening we will come together via Zoom or Vimeo to share our experiences of the day, answer any questions you have regarding the retreat and do a closing meditation together.
✨All recordings will be available for download for you to keep and enjoy again and again.
✨Please treat the entire three days as you would if you were at a physical retreat. Once the retreat begins you enter a sacred space that is held for you for the entire three days. This is holy ground! You are supported to unfold and grow in whatever ways are directed from your higher self. To get the most out of this awakening experience, set your intentions for your retreat, avoid social media and let let the outside world go as much as possible. Please take care of yourself by eating nourishing foods, drinking plenty of water, and get good rest each night. Please avoid alcohol and other recreational substances during the retreat. It is important to support yourself in this way while in this sacred container.
✨Each day please plan for approximately 4 hours prior to our time together
(4-6pm pacific)
This will give you ample time to listen to the meditations and activations, complete your personal ceremony for the day and have time to integrate these very high frequencies that will be running the entire time of our three days together.
💫Special Offer
Bring a friend and save 33% on your retreat.
Cupon will be provided for you once registration is complete.
Lake Tahoe Sacred Site Virtual Retreat
Day 1.
💫Opening Ceremony
💫Excalibur Initiation
✨Journey through a hidden portal in Lake Tahoe to a crystal cave and temple of Merlin the Wizard also known as the Master of Alchemy, High Priest of Celtic Lore, the Mystical Alchemist of the Arthurian Age as well as many other titles. Merlin will take us through an Excalibur initiation to activate our empowerment in our earth healing work. These tools will help you in your own ascension journey as an earth healer as well as teach you proper skills to work effectively with sacred sites.
Through Marlin we learn the art of Transference, changing from one state of being into another for healing and manifestation. Merlin supports us to unlock and remember our ancient and divine healing abilities that are our birthright. Through Merlin, we are spiritually empowered to become the alchemist, the magician and master of self. For many of you, Merlin will be familiar and this will be a remembering of a lineage you already hold within your being. For those of you that are new to Merlin’s energy, this will be an amazing introduction and the beginning of a magical new journey.
💫Closing: 4-6pm Pacific
(Via Zoom or Vimeo. All links and detailed instructions will be provided when you register)
Day 2.
✨From another another sacred site access point in Lake Tahoe, we will journey to hidden sanctuary for the ascended master Lady Nada. Lady Nada is the feminine aspect of the Christ, the keeper of the Purple Ray and the doorway for us to communicate and interact with the Elemental, Crystal, Angelic and Galactic Kingdoms. It is through her that we are able to see and interact with nature spirits, the fairies and elementals. Her energy is very pure. One of her primary jobs on earth at this time is healing and purifying the crystalline properties of water on the planet. Lady Nada has come forward for this retreat to open up and purify the second chamber of our heart chakra and activate our Holy Grail Body. By activating the Grail Body you awake into unconditional love, fall back in love with the earth and become a vessel for healing. In her divine presence, the veil between the physical world and the magical kingdoms of the crystals and nature spirits dissolves. Lady Nada first appeared to me in 2006 during a heart chakra retreat at Lake Tahoe. After days of heart purifications and activations, She appeared In all glory with flowing gowns made of the entirety of nature, with a pure white unicorn by her side. She activated something deep in my heart and I have been working with sacred sites ever since that first encounter with her holy presence.
💫Water Blessing Ceremony
✨ Once you complete the mediation activation you will enjoy a lovely water purification and healing ceremony.
(Further details will be e-mailed when you register for the retreat)
💫Closing (4-6pm pacific)
(Via Zoom or Vimeo- all links and detailed instructions will be provided when you register)
Day 3
✨On this magical day we will be going through the Fall Equinox portal and the Steller Gateway of Lake Tahoe into the mystical realm of the Lake Tahoe Water Dragon. I have decided not to give too many details of this day because I don't want to spoil the surprise. Be prepared for magic and Alchemy to happen!
💫Closing Ceremony
💫Closing The Circle
(4-5pm Pacific via Zoom or Vimeo)
✨Added Bonus✨
As an added bonus I will be facilitating a full Transference Healing for our group. This group Transference Healing will be specifically for anyone who participates in thw Lake Tahoe Sacred Site Virtual Retreat in real time or at a later date. This group Transference Healing will support you in integrating the very high energies of the retreat and will be healing for you each time you re-listen to the retreat recordings.
(complete instructions & further details will be provided once you have registered)
For any questions please e-mail: