Family/Relationship Transference Healing
Dissolve power plays & bring in unconditional love.
Service Description
✨Transference Healing is wonderfully effective for healing family, relationship and group dynamics. Transference Healing clears negative patterning, karma, generational trauma and power plays, bringing in unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness and understanding. Because Transference Healing is a frequency healing modality, there is no need for physical contact. ✨Family & Relationship Sessions are offered absentee and take about 2 hours. During your healing, you may energetically tune in by setting a sacred space where you will be uninterrupted. You may also use candles, crystals, meditation music, smudge or essence sprays. This is a lovely way to receive healing energy and it is optional! It is not necessary for all family or group members to be in the same space or tuning into the healing together. Once the healing is complete, you will receive audio feedback and a picture of your record sheet via WhatsApp. An energetic crystal essence will be divined for each individual and will continue to work with you etherically over the next 2-3 weeks to integrate the healing. ✨Please read What is Transference Healing? for a more detailed description*
Cancellation Policy
Congratulations on taking this step on your empowerment journey. In order to honor our time and your commitment to yourself, we don't offer refunds but will reschedule with 48 hours notice.
Contact Details